CMCCF Stories

Community Dialogues in Action

Read more about our community dialogues in action at one of our recent events.

Connecting Youth for a Discussion on Mental Health

Watch a panel discussion on mental health with young people from local communities.

Our Journey Together From Hardship to Hope

Join us on World Values Day 2022 for a conversation about our shared values.

Invitation to the Launch of our two-year community engagement project.

Please join us for the launch of our Intercultural and Intergenerational Diversity and Inclusion Engagement initiative.

Cultural Community Planning in Action

Read about how Community Planning, using tools such as asset mapping, can help communities overcome challenges by focusing on strengths and shared values.

3 Team Members Receive GA Awards

Kedeen Cummings, Florence Okwudili, and Steven Feldgaier have all received the Kim Thomas Award.

Formation of the Child Well-Being Roundtable

Read about the formation of our Child Well-Being Roundtable and how a dream became reality.

Re-Engagement with Sarah Kirby, Centre for Healthcare Innovation

Sarah Kirby will share feedback and talk about how community members' views have shaped healthcare innovation.

Engaging Communities through Dialogue Training Program

The CMCCF is offering a program to train community members to facilitate events and engagements.

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