Pay It Forward With Love

Pay it forward Day.

Today serves as reminder that kindness deserves a place in our lives every single day, not just for one day out of the year.

There is an African Proverb that says: If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. As we think about Pay It Forward Day, we are reminded that just like a car is only as good as its parts working collectively, so is a community and the individuals that comprise it. Kindness is the oil that keeps it going.

It takes each of us to make a difference for all of us. – Jackie Mutcheson.

Some of the most famous acts of kindness have been the sixty-five-car long Tim Hortons pay-it-forward chains, done with the hope that the impact will be long-lasting. That it inspires more than paying for someone’s meal in the drive-through. That it transforms into treating our neighbours well, helping our co-workers without expectation of something in return, or that instead of lashing out when someone accidentally bumps into us, we are forgiving.

Now more than ever, spreading kindness, is important in a world filled with negativity and pain. Building relationships that foster justice, equity, diversity and inclusion begins with compassion. And it takes all of us to make that difference.

You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you. – John Wooden

Many accomplished people have left a positive mark in society by how they lived their lives and paid it forward. From the likes of Albert Einstein, renowned physicist who used his fame to advocate for racial equality to Maya Angelou, celebrated word smith and civil rights activist. For both, kindness was central to their life’s mission and vision for a better world.

Today, that better world can be achieved through simple daily acts of compassion and connection. As we seek to apply the tenets of Pay It Forward Day, here are a few tips to help foster a more inclusive society: 

  1. Connect with someone from a different cultural community. Learn one new thing from them E.g., how to say hello in their language or wisdom passed down through cultural proverbs. Thank them for teaching you something that is important to them. Your act of kindness here is making someone feel acknowledged and seen.
  2. Find ways to compliment your teams and staff at work on a regular basis. Point out the strengths you have noticed in them and how they have helped the organization move towards its goals. Your employee/team member will feel valued and important.
  3. Support a local cause in your community. It can be in the form of sending donations or non-monetary like picking up volunteer shifts. Mentor at risk youth, or help spread awareness on family violence. These actions could save a life.

A more inclusive community translates into a whole community uplifted. So, regardless of race, religion, culture, gender, or ability, let’s put a smile on someone’s face and positively impact the ripple effect of having come in contact with them.

This article was written by community writer Tsungai Muvingi as part of our J.E.D.I. Initiative – Community Writers Project. All thoughts and opinions expressed are Tsungai’s own. You can learn more about Tsungai on our team page here

To learn more about our Intercultural and Intergenerational Diversity and Inclusion Engagement Project, go to our J.E.D.I. Initiative landing page here.

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